Funds Collection for Edhi Foundation

Noor Fatima
4 min readSep 8, 2020


“The happiest people I know are those who lose themselves in the service of others” — Gordon B. Hinckley

The idea of collecting funds for the Edhi Foundation was something we never thought of. The sole idea of collecting funds was almost new to some of the group members. In this current situation, we had only one way to spread our word and that was social media. So the first step was to design a poster. We reached out to a graphic designer and in a couple of days we got our poster. We also shared our poster with our Batch — 151 so that more people could use it to collect the funds in the same account. We circulated the poster in our social circles and started to receive the responses. This was our first step towards playing a little part in serving humanity as a group. We feel immense pleasure to be a part of the Amal family as with every passing session we get to expose ourselves to new challenges.

The experience of collecting funds was not new for everyone so a few of us got good responses and funds as well. The experience turned out to be good for some whereas the majority of the group members said that their experience was not nice. They said that it was very hard to convince people to get the money out of their pockets. Some people said that we will donate directly while the others said they were already donating to different foundations and those in need. Only a few of those in our close circle donated. Despite such responses, we kept on carrying out the activity.

We collected the funds individually. Some of the group members sent individual messages to their contacts and some placed the poster on their social media accounts. One of the group members asked people in person when she went to a small gathering. She was appreciated for her efforts of reaching out to people and she got to hear “I am glad humanity still exists. Even though Edhi Sahab is no more, his legacy lives on”.

Whenever there is a task, especially something which is new for someone, there are challenges. It’s on us how we face and fight those challenges. One of our group members considers Edhi Sahab as his role model so he refused to give up even when his messages were ignored. He didn’t stop knocking the doors and he for sure succeeded. Others faced rejection and they were questioned about the transparency of their work. It was a very new experience for most of us but the good thing about us is that we didn’t stop working.

Being very honest, Amal Academy is not just a place where we learn a new thing and just move on with it. The things we learn here get engraved into our souls. We learned the meaning of 1 + 1 = 11. We know that if we keep on inspiring each other and pushing each other to become a better human, we all will succeed. Failure is something very common and very natural but how you react to it is what makes you stand out of the crowd. I didn’t see any of my group members being disheartened or upset. I see energy and potential in them and an urge to keep moving forward. Although we couldn’t collect a huge amount, the encouraging words of our facilitator “nothing is too less” didn’t let our morale down. We believe that failure is the first step towards success and we should accept it as a new opportunity. Throughout this process we learned new things, polished our communication skills and we grew.

We are happy that we got a chance to serve humanity through Edhi Sahab’s foundation. Circle 3 wants to thank Amal Academy for bringing us out of our comfort zones and helping us become a better version of ourselves.

Let’s follow his religion of Humanitarianism

“Not all of us can do great things, but we can do small things with great love “— Mother Teresa



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